Parasternal long axis (PLAX)
Correct plane has LA, MV, LV, LV outflow tract, AV, aortic root, septum, RV, RA, descending aorta.
Ao = aorta; AV = aortic valve; LA = left atrium; LV = left ventricle; MV = mitral valve; RA = right atrium; RV = right ventricle; TV = tricuspid valve.
Indicator dot toward right shoulder, 3rd to 5th intercostal space, as close to sternum as possible.
Parasternal short axis (PSSA)
Fan from apex to base to find LV, RV, pap, cordae, MV, AV, aortic root; RV, TV, RA, pulmonic valve.
PSSA-labeled anatomy at level of papillary muscle (pap)
Indicator toward left shoulder. This plane is 90 degrees clockwise in exact location of optimal PLAX view.
Apical four-chamber (A4C)
Identify LV, RV, MV, TV, LA, RA