Left lower quadrant (LLQ)
Orient probe longitudinally, and fan
Hand position for left lower quadrant
Right lower quadrant (RLQ)
Orient probe longitudinally, and fan
Hand position for right lower quadrant
Still image of measurements
Linear transducer vessel check
Real-time guidance of needle longitudinally
Only if necessary for a small pocket
Linear transducer vessel check, color Doppler
This is an advanced technique, no vessels seen
This procedure can be done either with ultrasound identification of a safe pocket followed by blind needle insertion, or under real-time guidance using a technique similar to vascular access (see Chapter 3).
Try sitting the patient up slightly and rotating to move bowel out of the way. Scan in both short and long axis.
Safe pockets are frequently in the RLQ and LLQ. The midline is described as a reasonable target, but ...