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Right upper quadrant

  1. Pleural space

  2. Subphrenic space

  3. Morison's pouch

  4. Inferior pole of right kidney and liver

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Video 04-01: Normal RUQ

This video of a normal right upper quadrant clearly shows all four of the spaces visible in this window. The pleural space has no fluid, as is demonstrated by the mirror artifact in the bottom left corner of the screen, showing a reflection of the liver on the other side of the diaphragm. The hepatorenal recess is a white line without any breaks or fluid collections. The inferior pole of the kidney is incompletely visualized, but is clear. The subdiaphragmatic space is similarly a tight border between liver and diaphragm without anechoic space.

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Left upper quadrant

  1. Pleural space

  2. Subphrenic space

  3. Splenorenal recess

  4. Inferior pole of left kidney and spleen

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Video 04-02: Normal LUQ

This video of a normal left upper quadrant clearly shows all four of the spaces visible in this window. The pleural space has no fluid, as is demonstrated by the mirror artifact in the bottom left corner of the screen, showing a reflection of the spleen on the other side of the diaphragm. The border between spleen and kidney is similarly without anechoic fluid. The inferior pole of the kidney and spleen are completely visualized, and are clear. The subdiaphragmatic space is similarly a tight border between spleen and diaphragm without anechoic space.

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  1. Pericardial space

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Video 04-03: Normal Subxiphoid

This video demonstrates a subxiphoid view of the heart. The liver is clearly seen in the superficial portion of the video. The bright pericardium can be seen both anteriorly and posteriorly without separations, ruling out pericardial effusion. The operator fans inferiorly to see the right atrium join the IVC. Also in this video a mirror artifact in the bottom left of the screen rules out a right sided pleural effusion.

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  1. Pouch of Douglas (at level of the cervix) or rectovesicular pouch (superior to seminal vesicles)

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Video 04-04: Normal Pelvic

With the probe placed in the suprapubic position and the indicator to the patient’s right, the operator fans inferiorly until the rounded edges of the bladder can be seen. The posterior acoustic enhancement in ...

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