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After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

  • Define functional units used in measuring physiological properties.

  • Define pH and buffering.

  • Understand electrolytes and define diffusion, osmosis, and tonicity.

  • Define and explain the significance of resting membrane potential.

  • Understand in general terms the basic building blocks of the cell (eg, nucleotides, amino acids, carbohydrates, and fatty acids) to cell metabolism, proliferation, and function.

  • Understand higher-order structures of the basic building blocks of the cell (eg, DNA, RNA, proteins, and lipids) to cell replication, proliferation, and signal transduction.

  • Understand the basic contributions of the basic building blocks of the cell to its structure, function, and energy balance.


In unicellular organisms, all vital processes occur in a single cell. As the evolution of multicellular organisms progressed, various cell groups organized into tissues, and organs have taken over particular functions. In humans and other vertebrate animals, there are a number of specialized collections of cells that consist in organ systems serving for different functions. For example, a gastrointestinal system to digest and absorb food; a respiratory system to take up O2 and eliminate CO2; a urinary system to remove wastes; a cardiovascular system to distribute nutrients, O2, and the products of metabolism; a reproductive system to perpetuate the species; and nervous and endocrine systems to coordinate and integrate the functions of the other systems. This book is concerned with the way these systems function and the way each contributes to the functions of the body as a whole. This first chapter lays a foundation for the discussion of these organ systems with a review of basic biophysical and biochemical principles at the cellular level and the introduction of the molecular building blocks that contribute to cell physiological function within these organ systems.



In the average young adult male, 18% of the body weight is protein and related substances, 7% is mineral, and 15% is fat. The remaining 60% is water. The distribution of the body water is shown in Figure 1–1A.


Organization of body fluids and electrolytes into compartments. A) Body fluids can be divided into intracellular and extracellular fluid compartments (ICF and ECF, respectively). Their contribution to percentage body weight (based on a healthy young adult male; slight variations exist with age and gender) emphasizes the dominance of fluid makeup of the body. Transcellular fluids, which constitute a very small percentage of total body fluids, are not shown. Arrows represent fluid movement between compartments. B) Electrolytes and proteins are unequally distributed among the body fluids. This uneven distribution is crucial to physiology. Prot, protein, which tends to have a negative charge at physiologic pH.

The cells that ...

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