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Drugs with acetylcholine-like effects (cholinomimetics) consist of 2 major subgroups on the basis of their mode of action (ie, whether they act directly at the acetylcholine receptor or indirectly through inhibition of cholinesterase). Drugs in the direct-acting subgroup are further subdivided on the basis of their spectrum of action (ie, whether they act on muscarinic or nicotinic cholinoceptors).

Acetylcholine may be considered the prototype that acts directly at both muscarinic and nicotinic receptors. Neostigmine is a prototype for the indirect-acting cholinesterase inhibitors.



This class comprises a group of choline esters (acetylcholine, methacholine, carbachol, bethanechol) and a second group of naturally occurring alkaloids (muscarine, pilocarpine, nicotine, lobeline). Newer drugs are occasionally introduced for special applications, eg, the neonicotinoids clothianidin, imidacloprid, and others as insecticides. The members differ in their spectrum of action (amount of muscarinic versus nicotinic stimulation) and in their pharmacokinetics (Table 7–1). Both factors influence their clinical use.

TABLE 7–1Some cholinomimetics: spectrum of action and pharmacokinetics.

A. Classification

Muscarinic agonists are parasympathomimetic; that is, they mimic the actions of parasympathetic nerve stimulation in addition to other effects. Five subgroups of muscarinic receptors have been identified (Table 7–2), but the muscarinic agonists available for clinical use activate them nonselectively. Nicotinic agonists act on both ganglionic and neuromuscular cholinoceptors; agonist selectivity is limited. On the other hand, slightly selective muscarinic antagonists and relatively selective nicotinic receptor antagonists are available (Chapter 8).


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