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XII.D.001 Granulocyte Egress


Granulocyte Egress. Murine marrow. Neutrophil cytoplasmic probe contacting abluminal surface of endothelium. Sinus lumen (L). (Transmission electron micrograph)

XII.D.002 Granulocyte Egress


Granulocyte Egress. Murine marrow. Neutrophil cytoplasmic probe penetrating endothelium and entering sinus lumen (L). The initial portion of a neutrophil entering the lumen is usually granule-poor, suggesting a change in the gel-sol state of cytoplasm as it flows forward. (Transmission electron micrograph)

XII.D.003 Granulocyte Egress


Granulocyte Egress. Murine marrow. Neutrophil cytoplasmic probe penetrating endothelium and entering sinus lumen (L). The initial portion of the neutrophil entering the lumen is usually granule-poor, suggesting a change in the gel-sol state of cytoplasm as it flows forward. (Transmission electron micrograph)

XII.D.004 Granulocyte Egress


Granulocyte Egress. Murine marrow. Neutrophil penetrating endothelium and entering sinus lumen (L). The initial portion of the neutrophil entering the lumen is usually granule-poor suggesting a change in the gel-sol state of cytoplasm as it flows forward. (Transmission electron micrograph)

XII.D.005 Granulocyte Egress


Granulocyte Egress. Murine marrow. Neutrophil penetrating endothelium and entering sinus lumen (L). The residual portion of the neutrophil in the hematopoietic cord is between endothelium and the cell body of an adventitial reticular cell. (Transmission electron micrograph)

XII.D.006 Granulocyte Egress


Granulocyte Egress. Murine marrow. Neutrophil penetrating endothelium and entering sinus lumen (L). The endothelial cell cytoplasm is attenuated. Adventitial cell cytoplasm is on the abluminal side of the sinus wall, just to the left of the migrating neutrophil. (Transmission electron micrograph)

XII.D.007 Granulocyte Egress


Granulocyte Egress. Murine marrow. Eosinophil penetrating endothelium and the leading third of the cell has entered the sinus lumen(L), engorged with reticulocytes. (Transmission electron micrograph)

XII.D.008 Leukocyte Egress


Leukocyte Egress. Murine marrow. The sinus lumen is indicated by "L". The hematopoietic cord has had many cells dislodged as an artifact of preparation. Note the adventitial cell cytoplasmic processes and fibers. The forward pole of three leukocytes entering the sinus lumen is denoted by adjacent asterisks.

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