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II.A.001 Neutrophil, Band


Band neutrophil. Blood film. Nuclear width is roughly equal throughout the length of the nucleus. No evidence of segmentation.

II.A.002 Neutrophil, Band


Band neutrophil. Blood film. Two band neutrophils. Nuclear width is roughly equal throughout the length of the nucleus. No evidence of segmentation.

II.A.003 Neutrophil, Band


Band Neutrophils. Blood films. (A) Typical band shaped nucleus with nearly equal diameter throughout nuclear length. (B) Slight constriction in nucleus at one point but not sufficient thread like connection to call it a segmented neutrophil. (C) Some thinning in a short portion of the nucleus but not sufficient threadlike connection to call this a segmented neutrophil.

II.A.004 Neutrophil, Segmented


Segmented neutrophils. Blood film. The field contains four segmented neutrophils, two lymphocytes and a monocyte. Segmentation of the neutrophil nucleus requires a very thin nuclear strand to connect the segments but as in this field, often these strands are unapparent. The highly lobulated, folded nucleus in the absence of thin connecting interlobular strands is also indicative of segmentation.

II.A.005 Neutrophil, Segmented. Transmission Electron Micrograph


Segmented neutrophil: transmission electron micrograph. Two nuclear segments containing heterochromatin along nuclear membrane, interrupted by euchromatin, the sites of nuclear membrane pores. Larger electron-dense granules are primary granules, and smaller less dense granules are specific (secondary) granules (arrow). Primary granules are usually not apparent in neutrophils in polychrome stains of blood films. The Golgi is marked with a “G” and the Golgi region is enlarged in the inset. Mitochondria are scarce and rough endoplasmic reticulum is absent. Tiny black dots seen best in inset represent glycogen particles.

II.A.006 Neutrophils


Neutrophils. Blood films. (A and B). Two-lobed nucleus. (C) Three-lobed nucleus. (D and E) Four-lobed nucleus. A nuclear lobe or segment requires that a thin strand is the connecting link. The average nuclear segment count in normal blood is 2.8/neutrophil with a range of 2 to 4. Uncommonly, five-lobed nuclei may be seen in normal blood but they represent fewer than 1 percent of blood neutrophils.

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