Ventilation (BTPS) |
Tidal volume (VT), L | 0.6 |
Frequency (f), breaths/min | 12 |
Minute ventilation (VE), L/min | 7.2 |
Respiratory dead space (VD), mL | 150 |
Alveolar ventilation, VA, L/min | 5.4 |
Lung Volumes and Capacities (BTPS) |
Inspiratory capacity (IC), L | 3.0 |
Expiratory reserve volume (ERV), L | 1.9 |
Vital capacity (VC), L | 4.9 |
Residual volume (RV), L | 1.4 |
Functional residual capacity (FRC), L | 3.2 |
Total lung capacity (TLC), L | 6.3 |
Residual volume/total lung capacity × 100 (RV/TLC), % | 22 |
Mechanics of Breathing |
Forced vital capacity (FVC), L | 4.9 |
Forced expiratory volume, first second (FEV1), L | 4.0 |
Maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV), L/min | 170 |
Forced expiratory volume in 1 s/forced vital capacity × 100 (FEV1/FVC), % | 83 |
Forced expiratory volume in 3 s/forced vital capacity × 100 (FEV3/FVC), % | 97 |
Forced expiratory flow during middle half of FVC (FEF25−75), L/s | 4.7 |
Forced inspiratory flow at the middle of forced inspiratory capacity (FIF50), L/s | 5.0 |
Static compliance of the lungs (Cst, l), L/cm H2O | 0.2 |
Compliance of lungs and thoracic cage (CRS, respiratory system compliance) L/cm H2O | 0.1 |
Airway resistance at FRC (Raw), cm H2O/L/s | 1.5 |
Pulmonary resistance at FRC, cm H2O/L/s | 2.0 |
Airway conductance at FRC (Gaw), L/s/cm H2O | 0.66 |
Specific conductance (Gaw/V1) | 0.22 |
Maximum inspiratory pressure, mm Hg | – 75 |
Maximum expiratory pressure, mm Hg | 120 |
Distribution of Inspired Gas |
Single-breath N2 test (Δ N2 from 750 to 1250 mL in expired gas), % N2 | <1.5 |
Alveolar N2 after 7 min of breathing O2, % N2 | <2.5 |
Closing volume (CV), mL | 400 |
CV/VC × 100, % | 8 |
Closing capacity (CC), mL | 1900 |
CC/TLC × 100,% | 30 |
Slope of phase III in single-breath N2 test, % N2/L | <2 |
Gas Exchange |
O2 consumption at rest (STPD), mL/min | 240 |
CO2 output at rest (STPD), mL/min | 192 |
Respiratory exchange ratio (R), CO2 output/O2 uptake | 0.8 |
PaO2, mm Hg | 105 |
PaCO2, mm Hg | 40 |
PaO2, mm Hg | 95 |
SaO2, % | 98 |
pH | 7.40 |
PaCO2, mm Hg | 40 |
PaO2, while breathing 100% O2, mm Hg | 640 |
Alveolar Ventilation and Gas Exchange |
Alveolar ventilation, L/min | 4.2 |
Physiological dead space/tidal volume × 100 (VD/VT), % | <30 |
Alveolar–arterial oxygen-gradient, (A-a) PO2, mm Hg | 10 |
Diffusing Capacity |
Diffusing capacity at rest for CO, single-breath (Dl COsb), mL CO/min/mm Hg | 29 |
Diffusing capacity per unit alveolar volume (DL/VA) | 4.8 |
Control of Ventilation |
Ventilatory response to hypercapnia, L/min/per Δ PaCO2 mm Hg | >1.5 |
Pulmonary Hemodynamics |
Pulmonary blood flow (cardiac output), L/min | 5.4 |
Pulmonary artery systolic/diastolic pressure, ... |