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Liver Disease

Joanna Odenthal
  1. Discuss the non-specific presentations of liver disease as well as the laboratory tests that indicate liver injury.
  2. Formulate a differential diagnosis for acute hepatitis and identify the risk factors that make different etiologies more or less likely.  
  3. Compare and contrast findings in non-alcoholic and alcoholic steatohepatitis. List other etiologies of chronic liver disease including infectious and autoimmune.
  4. Discuss the etiologies and clinical findings of cirrhosis as well as the diagnostic steps needed to make a the diagnosis of cirrhosis.
  5. Recognize findings concerning for Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE). Use the pathophysiology of the disease process to explain the methods to manage HE.
  6. Develop a systematic approach to the work-up of hyperbilirubinemia.
AccessMedicine > Huppert’s Notes: Pathophysiology and Clinical Pearls for Internal Medicine > Diseases and Pathophysiology in Gastroenterology > ACUTE LIVER FAILURE (ALF)
AccessMedicine > Huppert’s Notes: Pathophysiology and Clinical Pearls for Internal Medicine > Diseases and Pathophysiology in Gastroenterology > CIRRHOSIS AND ITS COMPLICATIONS
AccessMedicine > Huppert’s Notes: Pathophysiology and Clinical Pearls for Internal Medicine > Diseases and Pathophysiology in Gastroenterology > ALCOHOL-INDUCED LIVER DISEASE
AccessMedicine > Huppert’s Notes: Pathophysiology and Clinical Pearls for Internal Medicine > Diseases and Pathophysiology in Gastroenterology > DRUG/TOXIN-INDUCED LIVER INJURY
AccessMedicine > Huppert’s Notes: Pathophysiology and Clinical Pearls for Internal Medicine > Diseases and Pathophysiology in Gastroenterology > INFECTIOUS ETIOLOGIES OF LIVER DISEASE
AccessMedicine > Huppert’s Notes: Pathophysiology and Clinical Pearls for Internal Medicine > Diseases and Pathophysiology in Gastroenterology > AUTOIMMUNE ETIOLOGIES OF LIVER DISEASE
AccessMedicine > Huppert’s Notes: Pathophysiology and Clinical Pearls for Internal Medicine > Diseases and Pathophysiology in Gastroenterology > METABOLIC ETIOLOGIES OF LIVER DISEASE
AccessMedicine > Huppert’s Notes: Pathophysiology and Clinical Pearls for Internal Medicine > Diseases and Pathophysiology in Gastroenterology > CHOLESTATIC LIVER DISEASES
AccessMedicine > Huppert’s Notes: Pathophysiology and Clinical Pearls for Internal Medicine > Diseases and Pathophysiology in Gastroenterology > PREGNANCY-RELATED LIVER DISEASES
AccessMedicine > Huppert’s Notes: Pathophysiology and Clinical Pearls for Internal Medicine > Diseases and Pathophysiology in Gastroenterology > VASCULAR ETIOLOGIES OF LIVER DISEASE
AccessMedicine > Huppert’s Notes: Pathophysiology and Clinical Pearls for Internal Medicine > Diseases and Pathophysiology in Gastroenterology > OTHER PATHOLOGIES AFFECTING THE LIVER
AccessMedicine > Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2024 > Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease
AccessMedicine > Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2024 > Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Case File
AccessMedicine > Vanderbilt Internal Medicine and Pediatric Curriculum > 36 > Abnormal Liver Tests
Case File
AccessMedicine > Case Files: Biochemistry 3e > Case 20 > Acute Fatty Liver in Pregnancy
Case File
AccessMedicine > Case Files: Anatomy 3e > Case 23 > Cirrhosis
Case File
AccessMedicine > Pathophysiology of Disease Cases > Case 79 > Cirrhosis
Case File
AccessMedicine > Graber and Wilbur’s Family Medicine Examination and Board Review, 5th Edition > Gastroenterology Case 7.10 > Gastroenterology Case 7.10
Case File
AccessMedicine > Pathophysiology of Disease Cases > Case 78 > Chronic Hepatitis B
AccessMedicine > The Infographic Guide to Medicine > GI/Hepatology > Ascites
AccessMedicine > The Infographic Guide to Medicine > GI/Hepatology > ASH and NASH
AccessMedicine > The Infographic Guide to Medicine > GI/Hepatology > Hepatic Encephalopathy
AccessMedicine > The Infographic Guide to Medicine > GI/Hepatology > Esophageal Varices


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