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The inspiration for this basic science series occurred at an educational retreat led by Dr. Maximilian Buja, who, at the time, was the dean of the medical school. It has been such a joy to work together with Drs. William Seifert and Henry Strobel, who are both accomplished scientists and teachers, as well as the other excellent authors and contributors. It has been rewarding to collaborate with Dr. Konrad Harms, whom I have watched mature from a medical student to resident and now a brilliant faculty member. I would like to thank McGraw-Hill for believing in the concept of teaching by clinical cases. I owe a great debt to Catherine Johnson, who has been a fantastically encouraging and enthusiastic editor. It has been amazing to work together with my daughter Allison, who is a senior nursing student at the Scott and White School of Nursing. She is an astute manuscript reviewer and already in her early career she has a good clinical acumen and a clear writing style.


At the University of Texas Medical School at Houston, we would like to recognize Dr. Rodney E. Kellems, Chair of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, for his encouragement and delight in this project; Johnna Kincaid, former Director of Management Operations for her support; Nina Smith and Bonnie Martinez for their help in preparing the manuscript; and Amy Gilbert for her assistance with the figures. We also would like to thank the many students who have allowed us to teach them over the years and who have in the process taught us. Dr. Seifert thanks his wife Margie for her encouragement, patience, and support.


At Methodist Hospital, I appreciate Drs. Mark Boom, Alan Kaplan, and Judy Paukert. At St. Joseph Medical Center, I would like to recognize our outstanding administrators: Pat Mathews and Paula Efird. I appreciate Linda Bergstrom's advice and assistance. Without the help from my colleagues, Drs. Konrad Harms, Priti Schachel, Gizelle Brooks-Carter, and Russell Edwards, this book could not have been written. Most important, I am humbled by the love, affection, and encouragement from my lovely wife, Terri and our 4 children, Andy and his wife Anna, Michael, Allison, and Christina.


Eugene C. Toy






Drs. Seifert and Strobel want to recognize Alan Levine, who joined our Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology when the basic faculties of the Dental Branch and the Medical School were combined in 2005, as he was a gifted and innovative teacher. He plunged into our teaching programs with great enthusiasm for the material he taught, for seeking ways in which the material could be better communicated, but especially for the students who would use the biochemical principles to become excellent physicians, dentists, and researchers. An enormously generous and selfless man, teaching came naturally to Alan and that gift was widely recognized in our institution. We miss his presence.