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1-20 of 75 Search Results for

Image bank

..., lactate dehydrogenase; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; MUGA, multigated acquisition; PA, posteroanterior; RBC, red blood (cell) count. ...
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...EXPANDING OUR INTERNAL IMAGE BANKS The larger our saved image bank in our brain, the better clinicians and diagnosticians we can become. The expert clinician has a large image bank stored in memory to call on for rapid pattern recognition. Our image banks begin to develop in medical school when...

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... Which of the following statements best describes how a visual image is transmitted upon the retinal surface by the lens?   Answer: C   Retinal ganglion cell axons leave the eye at the   Answer: A   A patient is blind in one eye. Which of the following does not describe...

...ACQUIRED FIGURE 4-1 Aplastic anemia. A) Normal bone marrow biopsy. B) Bone marrow biopsy from patient with aplastic anemia. (Used with permission from Dr. Stanley Schreier, American Society of Hematology Image Bank.) Because over 95% of the cells in the bone marrow are progeny...

...Pure Red Cell Aplasia FIGURE 4-3 Pure red cell aplasia. Note the absence of erythroid precursor cells in this aspirate smear. (Used with permission from Dr. Peter Maslak, American Society of Hematology Image Bank.) Rarely, a patient may present with severe anemia and virtual...

...Blast Crisis FIGURE 96-3 Blast cells. (Reproduced with permission from ASH Image Bank. American Society of Hematology.) A microscopic view of the spiral-shaped, spongy blast cells. Blast crisis, defined as the presence of greater than 20% peripheral or bone marrow blast cells...

...: Elsevier, 2010, p. 631.) FIGURE 4-6 Bone marrow aspirate smears showing the presence of clumps of tumor cells. A) Rhabdomyosarcoma. B) Bladder carcinoma. (B: Used with permission from Dr. Peter Maslak, American Society of Hematology Image Bank.) Patients may develop anemia...

.... (Reproduced with permission from Lazarchick J. American Society of Hematology Image Bank. 2011-2370.) A stained blood smear shows maternal R B Cs in pale pink, while fetal cells appear bright pink. RhIg is prepared from plasma pools of screened, sensitized human donors; the plasma is tested using...

... to ophthalmic surgery. Advances in imaging the microanatomy of the eye facilitate diagnosis and guide treatment. Nonetheless, the majority of diagnoses in ophthalmology can be made after a targeted history and careful examination without the need for sophisticated equipment. ...

.... 23 ) An image shows the pie chart of the distribution of official development assistance for health by function in 2013. The pie chart shows two sections, global with 21 percentages and country-specific with 79 percentages. The global is divided into three sections: global public goods...

...Diagnostic Criteria and Clinical Characteristics Diagnostic evaluation often includes the following: Serum markers: alpha-fetoprotein (AFP); beta-human chorionic gonadotrophic (β-HCG); and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). Imaging: testicular ultrasound, chest x-ray, computed tomographic (CT...

...Schematic Diagrams Highlight Specific Structural Features The three-dimensional structure for literally thousands of proteins can be accessed through the Protein Data Bank ( ) and other repositories. While one can obtain the images that indicate the position...