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To my mentor, Dr. Patricia Butler who, as the Associate Dean of Educational Programs at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston, inspires us all to excellence in the dissemination of knowledge. She has made a tremendous impact on countless medical students and faculty.






My work on this book is dedicated to the memory of my father, Harry Snyder, and in honor of my mother, Martha Snyder, who inspired me to strive for excellence in helping others. I also dedicate this to my sons, Ciaran and Madden, whom I hope, in turn, to inspire in the same way. And I dedicate this to my wife, Angela, who helps me to be the best person I can.






To my greatest mentors—my parents Joseph and Farideh. Your guidance and support have allowed me to always follow my passion and dreams. For this, I am eternally grateful.






To my grandfather, Mani Ram Jandial, for creating a family foundation of both loyalty and audacity, principles from which I continue to benefit and hope to pass on to my own beloved sons, Ronak, Kai, and Zain.
